Energy work
Everything is made of energy, both living and non-living matter, as well as thoughts, emotions and intentions. The human body is literally held together by energy, and more or less free energy also flows in and around the body. These energy flows are linked to our physical, mental and emotional states; in the ideal situation they are fluid and balanced; when there are disturbances they are out of balance or blocked. In the East, these energy flows have been extensively studied and visualised, and these models form the basis of several Eastern healing methods.
One of the best-known systems that uses them is Traditional Chinese Medicine, which works with meridians, acupuncture points and the circulation of energy, also known as chi or qi. By balancing these energy flows, ailments and diseases can be treated and prevented.Even in the Western world, there is a growing interest in the concept of energy and its influence on our health. For example, there is increasing research into the effects of meditation, yoga, reiki and other energetic therapies.
So the idea that energy plays a fundamental role in our well-being is not new, and it is important to take it into account in our quest for a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Consciously managing our energy, for example by taking good care of our body, thoughts and emotions, can contribute to optimal health and well-being.
The major
energy nodes of the body are known as chakras, each with its own
sphere of influence in the body and mind. However, it is important to
remember that even the most detailed diagram is not sufficient to
represent a complex living being and all the possible interactions
with its environment.
Each chakra is connected to a specific
area of the body, but they are all interconnected and influence each
other. It is therefore important to understand that the chakras are
not separate but work together as part of a larger whole.It
is also important to remember that the chakras are not static. They
can be blocked by emotions, experiences or other factors, causing
physical or emotional problems. It is therefore important to keep the
chakras in balance through meditation, yoga, breathing exercises and
other practices that promote the flow of energy in the body.
By becoming aware of the chakras and their influence on our well-being, we can balance our energy and realise our full potential. It is a process of self-discovery and self-healing that can help us gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our environment.
By energy work here we mean paying conscious attention to the energy in and around our bodies and allowing our bodies to respond to it spontaneously. The emphasis here is on the spontaneous, on feeling how the body wants to move, as an authentic response to the energy that is present, in the here and now. This is in contrast to imagining possible actions in the (near) future and striving for certain outcomes.
The purpose of energy work is to get in touch with our inner source of wisdom and power, and to live and act from there. By doing energy work regularly, we can become more harmonious and balanced, and live more from our heart and essence. It can have a profound healing effect on our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.Fortunately, energy (like everything in nature) tends to return to its most balanced state from within. So a person who can let go of thinking and let the energy itself guide them will automatically 'do' the right things, even without knowing what the possible problems or obstacles are. Actually, there is no real doing of anything, but rather letting it happen, while being a mere spectator of the whole thing. In this way a beneficial effect can be achieved, sometimes even in the first session, although I should add that ingrained patterns will not be permanently changed by a single activity.
It is important to realize that letting go of control and allowing the natural flow of energy does not mean no action at all. Rather, it means that actions come from a deeper awareness and intuition rather than from the pressure of thinking.
By acting in this way, obstacles and problems can be solved naturally and effortlessly. It is a matter of trusting the wisdom of the energy and opening up to the impulses that come from within.It takes practice and patience to apply this process in daily life. But ultimately it can lead to greater harmony, balance and success, both personally and professionally. It is a way of life that is in tune with the natural flow of the universe and can bring deep satisfaction.
So, while energy work certainly has therapeutic value, for me this is not the main motivation for 'doing' the work ('letting it happen' is actually a better way of putting it). It is more important to me that energy work offers a different perspective on the world and myself. By repeatedly letting things happen without the intervention of thinking, I learned to relativise thinking itself. I learned to trust.I learned to experience that there is more than what we can perceive with our senses and that there is a deeper connection with everything around us. It opens the door to a world of energy and subtle presence that is otherwise hidden. It puts me in touch with my true self and helps me to live my life more from the heart.
Energy work raises my awareness and stimulates my spiritual growth. It opens the door to deeper insights and helps me to see my life from a higher perspective. It helps me to be more loving, compassionate and caring towards myself and others.
Anyone who does energy work on
a regular basis can hardly ignore the fact that everything is
connected and that we are not the body or the mind. Through energy
work we can experience that we are made up of more than just our
physical body and our thoughts. We are also connected to everything
around us, other people, animals, plants and even the whole planet.
These connections can be felt and experienced through energy work.
recognizing that everything is connected and that we are not just our
bodies or our thoughts, we can experience deeper spiritual growth and
a sense of oneness and harmony. This can lead to greater inner peace,
joy and fulfillment in our lives.
The insights and oneness
experiences I have had during or shortly after energy work have
greatly accelerated and enriched my spiritual growth.
This has
helped me enormously to 'grasp' the teachings of spiritual masters
and traditions and to transform them from rational knowledge into
lived experience. This allowed me to understand everything on a
deeper level and integrate it into my daily life.
I am grateful
for the transformation I have experienced.I am convinced
that practicing energy work and opening up to spiritual experiences
is an essential part of the spiritual path and I would recommend it
to anyone seeking deeper understanding, connection and growth.