about me
Born in 1964 in a non-religious family with 5 children. As a child I liked to be alone and although I participated in group activities I never really felt part of the group.
In 2000, through a distraction (love...), I came into contact with spirituality and Michael Barnett in particular. When he gave me the name Dharmaranda three years later, for the first time in my life I felt at home, part of a community.
As I experienced first hand in the groups with Michael that there is more than science can explain, I became interested in spirituality and began to read books and visit (advaita) teachers. A new world opened up for me.Books and conversations, especially with John David, gave me explanations for what was happening in the energy work with Michael, while the energy experience made the theoretical knowledge tangible for me. Almost all of my epiphanies and insights occurred during or immediately after a group with Michael.
During these groups, it gradually became clear that energetic interaction with me often had a positive effect on other participants, so around 2010 I started offering monthly sessions myself on Sunday mornings. At the request of participants, days and weekends were added where we could explore the energy space even more deeply.
I am grateful for the journey I have been on and for the people I have had the privilege of meeting and guiding on their own path. My goal is to inspire and support others in their personal growth and awareness, so that they too can come home to themselves and connect with the deeper layers of their own being.